Student - this is for you...
You've specialised in a business related topic. Accounting. Management. Human Resources. Strategy. Entrepreneurship. Corporate finance. Marketing. Perhaps you've trained under an NVQ or apprenticeship scheme, working as part of the trades.
You are passionate for Jesus, and His call to be salt and light in the world. You hear Scripture's call for God's people to represent Him in the world, being sent on mission in their communities, and crossing barriers to reach all nations with the amazing news of gospel grace.
You know that instruction applies to all God's people. It's normal for Christians. An American pastor, J D Greear, serves at church which has sent huge numbers of its congregation on mission. He says:
“‘Calling’ is not a special privilege for a sacred few of you,” he told them. “When you accepted the call to follow Jesus, you accepted the call to missions. The question is no longer if you are called; only where and how.”
There is a HUGE opportunity for those with business training with a heart for the lost, the poor, those suffering injustice.... in short, those who need Jesus and His love.
Don't ever assume that it's only the theologians, medics or teachers who get to see God's purposes worked out in mission.
Take that next small step. Pray it today. Ask the Lord of the Harvest what He wants you to do next. Step out the boat.
Some ideas:
- Get informed. Find the stories of what God has done, and is doing, through people with a heart for Him, and a business and trades vocation / experience.
- Get connected. MtB exists to inspire, equip and connect business people, their churches and agencies. Get in touch with us to find out more and think about next steps.
- Short-term trips can help make things concrete. Many agencies, churches and planting networks recognise the benefit of shorter term visits, planned and carried out well, as part of a pathway of service. Vision trips to various missional businesses are available now.
- Link up with church planting organisations. Across the various church planting networks and initiatives, there is often a need for people with business or trades training, with varying experience levels. If you chime with the convictions, purposes and strategies of certain planting networks, it's well worth a chat with them to understand possibilities.
- Get equipped. Pursue discipleship (learning how to follow Jesus) in your church. The workplace is more flexible than it's ever been, opening up options for distance or part-time learning from training providers who are themselves exploring new channels of delivery. We'll be involved in some specific missional business training in July 2018. Go explore the possibilities!
- Do an internship. Perhaps it would be appropriate for you to explore a summer placement at a missional business, or a longer term assignment as an intern. Here at MtB, we're passionate about connecting you with businesses globally where you can understand the joys and challenges first-hand. There's opportunities right now with businesses in the UK, Middle East, Africa and Asia.