It all started when...

...inspired by Ephesians 4, we began to look at how UK churches, businesses and mission agencies could collaborate in seeing many more business people engaged in God's mission (and not "just" donating).

Many of us had travelled across the world, and had a sense for the ~2.8 BILLION people who have no idea who Jesus Christ is, and the hope God has provided.

Through a consultation in 2016 and roundtables of UK leaders, this initiative was conceived and born. It is enabled by people from various evangelical denominations and agencies, also with business backgrounds and cross-cultural expertise.

We ran a pilot in 2017, learning lessons and building relationships. We launched in 2018!

We are currently registering as a Community Interest Company, and we'll add information to this site about our governance and structures as that is finalised.

Get in touch with us if you'd like to know more.