Our vision
To see business people glorifying God and the Lord Jesus Christ as He brings many more into His Kingdom through their efforts in sharing His good news and showing His love
Our purpose
To equip, resource and support business people, the church and agencies to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to make disciples through cross cultural businesses locally and globally.
Our distinctives
The initiative longs:
1. To see God given all the glory by more people coming to know and worship Him through the risen Christ Jesus. The only way to come into God’s Kingdom and enjoy Him eternally is through the repentance and faith in the redeeming work of God’s grace in Christ.
2. To see disciples of Jesus loving our neighbours and showing God’s goodness through our behaviour as His people. Business can have a role in this, particularly in opportunity (job) creation and long-term poverty alleviation. Our God is passionate about injustice.
3. To see many more business people in the UK prepared and sent by the UK church to tell people of Christ and share his love, recognising their God-given skills and experience in business.
4. To focus particularly on those who do not have the opportunity to hear of Christ, no matter where these communities are found locally and globally. Often this will mean crossing barriers, including cultures.
And to do all this in a manner which will serve the local church, honour Christ and demonstrate excellence. This is business with integrity. In particular, we would want to express the work as the single body of Christ, whilst recognising our diversity of backgrounds and emphases.
“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
“We talk of the second coming, half the world has never heard of the first.”
“The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity, but its sending capacity.”
“Save others, snatching them out of the fire.”