MTB 101 - Why mission through business

What's in a name?

Shakespeare might conclude not a lot. If "that which we call a rose, would by any other name smell as sweet", then perhaps the name is less important than character and action.

Of course, the problem is that if you need a shorthand form to describe something or someone, the name communicates it. It acts as an identifying mark, a demonstration of characteristics or associations.

It's why we took time to think, pray and discuss what name would communicate our distinctives and values. A roundtable of church, business and agency leads met during 2016 to think about the opportunities and gaps in the UK. It was this group that settled on mission through business.

We recognise that there are plenty of alternatives out there:

  • Business As Mission (BAM)
  • Kingdom businesses
  • Business for Transformation

So why mission through business?

  1. Mission is central. Specifically, God's mission for His church. It is the primary activity being carried out.
  2. Business is core. It gives relational access, and is used by God to address injustice, alleviate poverty and create opportunities.
  3. There is a centrality, an intentionality to the mission. We want to be Christ centred, purposed by him, led by the Spirit in accordance with the Father's will. Thus it is His mission through business.

We'll unpack some of this more in the coming months. You can decide whether the identity fits...
